Katie's Birthday Party!
Yes it is in November. I give the kids a choice of a store cake or to look through my book for a homemade cake. She loves the butterfly cakes. She wants me to make them for all the birthdays. Sadly, the rest of the kids are boys and never agree. She has always wondered why we have to keep them around. I give it less than a decade to find out.
Gramma Hazel's 90th Birthday
Yes this is also in November. We take the kids up the day before the big all family party. Our children are rather rowdy and aren't always appreiciated by the older members of the family. Gramma adores them and she can focus on them and we don't have to share her this way. The blonde kid on the far left is Travis' son Keith. We had taken all the nice pictures and went for the fun ones. When she saw all of them making faces, I thought she would fall off the couch!
This is my newest apron. I created this for my requirements for my MaryJane's Farmgirl Badge. I still have to email the paperwork. It is a clothespin apron for hanging out the laundry. I use it everyday. Some people look twice at me in the yard hanging out my laundry with seven kids running around like they are crazy. I laugh.
love the apron ") The cakes look so yummy too
How cute is Grandma with all the sweet kids. Great picture, and I enjoyed your blog.
love the apron! I so want to try it!
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